Dr. David Pratt
"Improving the Options for Care at the End of Life"
Mal Harrison (Ms. M. from the Museum of Sex)
"The Importance of Erotic Intelligence"
Ric Orlando
"Chefs as Addicts: Why Being Addicted to Work Could Be a Good Thing"
Cristin Steding
"The Remarkable Power of Doing Things You Hate"
Jaqi Cohen
"Mobility and Accessibility: Prioritizing Paratransit in New York"
Diane Cameron
"Never Leave Your Dead - A True Story of War Trauma, Murder, and Madness"
John Sheehan
"NY Can Help Small Adirondack Towns by Embracing Wilderness "
Nitzan Hermon
"AI & Design"
Sam Necrason
"I am not an iconoclast, but freedom might not make us happy. "
Philip Kim
" Chase One Rabbit: The Power of Small Wins"
John Vavalo
"Data. Research. Patients. The future of cannabinoid medicine."